Thursday, 14 August 2014

New round of chemo drugs (just for a change)

It's been a while since I last posted but unfortunately, haven't always felt well enough to sit at the laptop ....

Found that the original chemo hadn't worked and instead of helping shrink the cancers, they have actually grown, so am now on a new regime of drugs on a weekly basis, which basically means that we are up at the Royal Marsden for about three weeks out of every four, with only one week off for good behaviour!!

The new drugs are pretty intense and have knocked me for six but if they work, then it'll all be worth it. Have a CT scan booked for a couple of weeks' time to see how things are progressing.  We know the prognosis isn't good; the cancers are incurable but we just go from day to day and keep everything crossed.

On a brighter note, I managed to do the Race for Life back in July and completed the 6k in just over an hour with my daughters and two friends.  It was a baking hot day, which didn't help but we did it and raised quite a bit of money for a very worthwhile cause.......
Race for Life, Southsea

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